A new generation of shaving brush for a new generation of user. The difference is in the bristles! Exclusive men-ü bristles are manufactured to be smooth, solid & non-absorbent. Animal bristles such as badger are like human hair – scaly, often with a hollow core and split ends. In order to create a lather, shave crème and water have to penetrate badger bristles before product is on their surface. Also, animal bristles expand and contract through absorption of shaving product and water which can lead to bristle loss. Comes with Shave Crème buddy tube 15ml.
men-ü Pro Black Shaving Brush
men-ü Pro Black Shaving Brush
A new generation of shaving brush for a new generation of user. The difference is in the bristles! Exclusive men-ü bristles are manufactured to be smooth, solid & non-absorbent. Animal bristles such as badger are like human hair – scaly, often with a hollow core and split ends. In order to create a lather, shave crème and water have to penetrate badger bristles before product is on their surface. Also, animal bristles expand and contract through absorption of shaving product and water which can lead to bristle loss. Comes with Shave Crème buddy tube 15ml.
Category men-ü Tags mens styling, styling
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