

men-ü Shave Crème 100ml

men-ü Shave Crème 100ml


Use with or without a shaving brush. Used by top professionals (and multi-award winning) – a great close shave, slip and smooth ride for your razor blade means less resistance, less nicks and a longer lasting blade! Includes tea tree oil (a natural antiseptic and antibacterial) which is ideal for spots and shaving rash. Packed with lubricants including silicone and moisturisers that help to provide optimum slip without drying the skin. Many foams and gels generate too aerated a lather. What is in contact with skin and blade matters, all else is wasted! With men-ü Shave Crème you see where you have shaved and the crème breaks down upon contact with water, so will not clog multi blade razors.

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Use with or without a shaving brush. Used by top professionals (and multi-award winning) – a great close shave, slip and smooth ride for your razor blade means less resistance, less nicks and a longer lasting blade! Includes tea tree oil (a natural antiseptic and antibacterial) which is ideal for spots and shaving rash. Packed with lubricants including silicone and moisturisers that help to provide optimum slip without drying the skin. Many foams and gels generate too aerated a lather. What is in contact with skin and blade matters, all else is wasted! With men-ü Shave Crème you see where you have shaved and the crème breaks down upon contact with water, so will not clog multi blade razors.


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